Guidelines for PYO Farms during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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From Cornell University:

U-Pick is a critical direct marketing approach for many of our farms and provides customers with a unique connection to fresh produce grown close to home. In light of what we understand about the spread of COVID-19, new management practices will be needed to protect your farm team and your customers. This document provides recommended practices and communication strategies for U-Pick operations for the 2020 season.

These actions will help protect you and your team as well as reassure customers that you are taking steps to protect them and the produce you grow.

Read the article here. Then download a printable version of Cornell’s “Best Management Practices for U-Pick Farms during the COVID-19 Pandemic” that you can share with your staff.

Looking for information on protecting staff and customers in your farm store? Read these articles from NYS Ag and Markets.

  1. Guidance for Cleaning Retail Food Stores (issued in conjunction with the New York State Department of Health)

  2. Guidance for Home Delivery 

  3. Guidance for Protecting Vulnerable Populations 

COVID-19 Assistance for Farms, from the NYS Department of Agriculture


In a new press release, the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets made a variety of announcements, including on emergency relief funding, easing restrictions on ag products in stores, keeping farms and farm stores in business, and more. Here are the details.

State Agriculture Commissioner Richard A. Ball today outlined several actions the Department of Agriculture and Markets has taken to assist the agricultural industry during the COVID-19 pandemic. Many sectors of the industry, including New York’s dairy farmers, have faced extreme economic difficulties with the loss of wholesale markets, such as schools and restaurants, and uncertain consumer demand. The Commissioner, in a joint letter with the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, last week urged the United States Department of Agriculture to support New York’s farmers with immediate emergency relief funding. Read the letter here.


Commissioner Ball said, “The COVID-19 pandemic has affected our agricultural community, as it has all of us, in so many ways. The challenges and disruptions our farmers are facing are like nothing we have seen before and our farmers are experiencing extreme economic difficulties. The Department is working, with all its partners, to seek relief for New York producers, and find new avenues for New York products while providing guidance and resources that allow many of our vital agricultural businesses to continue their operations.”


The Department has convened members of the Milk Marketing Advisory Council and continues discussions with food banks across the state, in coordination with the NYS Department of Health’s Hunger Prevention and Nutrition Assistance Program, to identify ways to alleviate the surplus challenges that are impacting New York’s dairy, specialty crop farmers, and seafood producers. The Department is also working closely with the New York Farm Bureau to address industry concerns and provide critical updates.


In addition, the Department is working to address limits being placed on the sale of dairy and other agricultural products in grocery stores, in coordination with the Food Industry Alliance, the Retail Council of New York State, the Business Council of New York State, New York Farm Bureau, and the state’s retail grocery stores.


Guidance to Maintain Businesses

To keep the agricultural community informed on the most recent Executive Orders as they relate to COVID-19, the Department has issued guidance documents for its farmers’ markets, retail food and food manufacturing firms, fisheries, and animal care operations to help them maintain business safely.


It has also granted restaurants approval to sell grocery items, allowing additional revenue for restaurants and an additional market outlet for farmers and food businesses. In addition, fisheries have been permitted to temporarily sell and/or process seafood directly to the end consumer. A list of guidance provided to the industry is below:



All guidance documents and additional details are located on the Department’s website at, which is updated on a regular basis and as new information becomes available. The Department has also compiled and published a general resource guide for the agricultural community, which includes information on important actions and resources to help New York’s agricultural businesses, and information on other areas, such as food safety, companion animals, mental health, and more. The resource guide is available at


In addition, New York State has set up a COVID-19 hotline at 1-888-364-3065 and a space to submit questions online.

Berry Disease Snapshot: Black Root Rot of Strawberry

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By David Strickland, Kerik Cox
Cornell AgriTech, Geneva, NY

Black Root Rot of Strawberry

Causal agent: many soil-borne fungal species, abiotic factors

When to watch for it: During the growing season

First line of defense: Good soil health maintenance practices

A disease complex, black root rot does not have one specific cause. It may be caused by injurious environmental conditions such as freezing or waterlogged soils, root-lesion nematodes, and/or various soil-borne fungal pathogens alone or in combination. The disease has been observed on plants grown in soils with a high clay content. The most prevalent symptoms of black root rot are death of feeder rootlets, deterioration of structural roots, and declining plant vigor.

Maintenance of soil health is the best control against black root rot. Soil compaction reduces soil aeration, promoting conditions conducive to disease development. Poor irrigation practices and waterlogged soil does the same. Chemical fumigation of the soil is not recommended as the causal agent may not be fungal.

Western New York Berry Update


Western New York Berry Update

April 3, 2020

By Esther Kibbe

Western New York Berry Specialist, Cornell Cooperative Extension

April 3, 2020


New leaves are starting to push under the straw. With no extended cold in the forecast, research has shown that it is better to remove straw early, if leaves are emerging, rather than basing it on the calendar. Consider getting out there to rake it off soon.

This is also the time to apply preemergent herbicides against annual weeds. Chateau or Devrinol can be used. Aim, Axxe and Gramoxone are options as more weeds emerge, or against winter annuals, but should be applied with a shielded sprayer.

Strawberry leaves emerging from the crown.

Strawberry leaves emerging from the crown.


Depending on microclimate, buds are just swelling to early green-tip. If you haven’t already, this is the time to go after cane diseases (Phomopsis, Botrytis, Fusicoccum) with a delayed dormant spray of lime sulfur or copper. Several fungicides are also labeled for these, but I would save them unless you are dealing with a severe, recurring level of infection.

As you finish pruning, be sure to cut out any diseased canes and gall wasp galls. Start planning your spring herbicide applications. Blueberries have many herbicide options—the best choice depends on what your weed issues are.

Blueberry buds are between bud-swell and early green tip.

Blueberry buds are between bud-swell and early green tip.


Still looking pretty dormant. Copper, dormant oil or lime sulfur sprays can be applied for cane blights. This is the time to get started on weed control: Devrinol, Surflan, Sinbar for preemergent weeds (annuals), Axxe for post-emergent broadleaves, and Poast or Fusilade for perennial grasses.

What Farms Need to Know during the Covid-19 Crisis


This information comes courtesy of the New York Farm Bureau. Their website is being updated daily to keep you informed about the latest COVID-19 news that may affect you, your farm family, and employees.

• Click here for the latest information from New York State on COVID-19.

• Click here to view the latest news on the virus from the CDC.

New York Farm Bureau asks Governor to keep farms and agribusinesses open during COVID-19 outbreak

NYFB president David Fisher sent a letter today to Gov. Cuomo today asking the state to keep farms and agribusinesses open and fully staffed during the Corona Virus outbreak. In the letter he wrote, “…Despite the spread of the COVID-19 virus, cows need to be milked, livestock needs to be fed, seeds need to be planted, machinery has to be repaired and regulations mandating environmental compliance will need to be met in order for food to continue to be placed on store shelves. The state’s food security and livestock health depend on obtaining an exemption from mandatory workplace staff reductions or closures for businesses across the state.” To read the full letter, click here.


Contact your lawmakers over Mexico’s suspension of H-2A Visa Processing

Last night, March 16, 2020, it was announced that visa services would be suspended at Mexican Consulates and Embassies in response to COVID-19. This means that routine immigrant and nonimmigrant visa services will be temporarily stopped tomorrow, March 18, 2020 until further notice, which will affect the arrival of H-2A workers. A copy of the announcement can be found here. There are also wider implications for H-2A workers originating from other countries including Jamaica, South Africa, and Guatemala. The State Department has indicated that it will waive the in-person interview requirement for returning H-2A workers at the embassy, consulates in Mexico. NYFB hopes to have further guidance regarding visa processing for all countries in the coming days.


NYFB realizes the great concern that this creates for New York farms that depend on H-2A labor, and we have been in contact with federal agencies and congressional offices to express concern regarding this issue and the need for clear guidance for farmers as well as a pathway to ensure that H-2A workers can continue to enter the U.S. Yesterday, NYFB wrote a letter to the administration asking for flexibility for the continue processing of H-2A visa and the allowance of these individuals into the U.S.


NYFB encourages members who have concerns about H-2A worker visa approvals and the arrival of H-2A workers to reach out to their congressional members, so they are aware of the seriousness of the situation. Find your lawmakers’s e-mail addresses here. In addition, USDA has set-up an e-mail account where agricultural producers can contact them about critical labor concerns at


Farmers can also find updates at Information regarding specific embassy visa processing can be found at each embassy website.


As this issue continues to develop and as further guidance is issued, NYFB will send out information to members. Click here to send a letter to your Congressional member regarding the importance of continuing to process H-2A applications.


DOL Postpones Binghamton Wage Board Hearing

According to a release by the New York State Dept. of Labor, the Wage Board hearing for farm laborers scheduled for Monday, March 23, 2020, at Binghamton University in Vestal, NY is postponed until further notice. A new date will be announced as soon as the hearing is rescheduled. Hearings are still scheduled for Long Island and Batavia. Updates on those hearings will be provided at a later date. Written comments may still be submitted to


Cornell Program Offers Tips on Farm Protection During Pandemic

The Cornell Small Farms Program has offered suggestions on how farms can take care of themselves during the pandemic. Titled “Building Resilience in a Crisis,” it also provides an option for farmers to share ideas with the program to help get each other through these uncertain times. Here are some important reminders and suggestions:


  • Take care of your farm’s most important asset: you. Wash your hands more frequently and make sure you are getting adequate sleep. We need our strength these days.

  • Don’t think social distancing means social isolation. We are being asked to practice social distancing to slow the spread of the virus, but we have many ways to keep and grow our connections with each other. Call someone. Stay connected to those around you. Ask for help. Offer help. We are in this together.

  • Reach out to farmers and community members around you that you know are having challenges. Now is the time to strengthen the fabric of our own communities by increasing our social connections. Pick up the phone and call them. It is that simple.

  • Release stress. In times of stress, it helps to take a pause and slow down. Do what works for you, such as:

    • Laugh, pray, dance, meditate, chat with friends.

    • Practice tactical breathing. Inhale, count to five, and then exhale slowly to help clear your head and steady your hands.

    • Intensify or expand your production plans, where you can. In the face of possible shifts in our global food system, eating locally will be an important strategy to respond to potential disruptions.

    • Bring extra farm products to food banks, or work with gleaning organizations. We have always had people in need in our communities, but this pandemic could make things worse for those most vulnerable. As a producer, you have the ability to help ease some of that suffering.

    • Revisit your farm’s food safety plan, especially the health and personal hygiene plan. Keep yourself and your employees in good health.

    • Make a plan for running your farm if you, your family or employees get sick. Consider the scenarios of 10, 50 or 75% of farm labor out sick for 2 weeks and try to be realistic. Involve the whole farm team in this conversation. Reach out to neighbors or other farm friends who might be able to help. Here are some questions to consider:

      • What farm operations must go on? What would be cascades or ripple effects if that activity stopped? Who would be responsible, and what happens if they are not available?

  • To read the full post, click here.


NYS Issues SLA Guidance on Alcohol and Food Service Ban

Effective Monday, March 16, 2020 at 8 p.m. all licensed on-premise establishments must cease on-premise sales of alcoholic beverages and/or food. All licensed manufacturers with on-premise privileges must cease on-premise sales of alcoholic beverages and/or food as well. However, a licensed manufacturer may continue all manufacturing operations. This is effective until April 15, 2020 but may be extended or reduced depending on the circumstances.

To aid in prevention of the spread of the Coronavirus and assist businesses impacted by the current state of emergency, the Governor has ordered the State Liquor Authority (SLA) to promulgate guidance on new off-premises privileges for licensed businesses with on-premises privileges. Any licensed business found to be operating in violation of the Governor’s order restricting on-premises sales of alcoholic beverages shall face a monetary penalty (retail maximum of $10,000/manufacturer maximum of $100,000), and/or suspension, cancellation, or revocation of its license. Click here for guidance and Q&A.


Cornell & NYSBGA In-Depth Strawberry Substrate Workshop Sets Growers Up for Success


By Esther Kibbe
Western New York Berry Specialist, Cornell Cooperative Extension

Thirty growers and extension professionals spent three days in February learning about growing strawberries in soil-less (substrate) production systems. The workshop was held in Ithaca and funded by the NYSBGA and organized by the association and Cornell extension and professors.

In-depth lectures in the mornings were followed by greenhouse tours and hands-on activities in the afternoons. The workshop was taught by Dennis Wilson of Delphy, a UK- and Netherlands-based agronomy and education company. His many years of experience working with strawberry substrate growers made him confident in his recommendations of types of containers, substrate mixes, irrigation rates, and fertility protocols.


Dennis noted that almost all strawberry production in the UK has moved to substrate systems, but the fruit-quality improvement means that more than 90 percent of strawberries in the stores are grown in the UK, compared to 50 percent 25 years ago. While converting to substrate production isn’t for everyone, growers in Europe find that in addition to better-quality fruit, they are able to increase yields, harvest efficiency, and attract more labor, compared to soil-bases systems.

Cornell’s horticulture professor Neil Mattson and his team put together a great practical portion for the workshop, using plants and systems set up for graduate student Jonathan Allred’s research on strawberries’ light requirements. Workshop participants practiced measuring “drip” and “drain,” electrical conductivity, pH, and moisture levels in the substrate. There were samples of different types of substrate and media to touch and compare and plants and runners for planting demonstrations—and a chance for growers to try it themselves.


About half of the workshop participants had no experience growing crops in substrate, and the rest had experience ranging from one year to thirty years. All reported that they found the content relevant, and most said they would continue or start growing berries in substrate in the future. One participant commented, “This program was excellent and answered many questions I have been asking for years. Really appreciate the handouts and the clear presentation style, and the time and patience spent on questions.” Participant feedback was extremely positive overall, and most are looking forward to future trainings and tours related to substrate production.


New York State Berry Industry Competitive Analysis


This document research group of Dr. Miguel Gómez at Cornell University’s Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management, in collaboration with the New York State Berry Growers Association, presents this bulleted analysis of the berry industries in New York State, as well as detailed figures supporting the analysis.

New Survey to Shed Light on Trade-offs Between Food Safety and Conservation Practices

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By Daniel Weller, Patrick Baur, and Aaron Adalja

Recent studies suggest that on-farm food safety practices can have unexpected economic and ecological impacts. Despite the potential for negative consequences, limited data are available on the costs and benefits of implementing specific practices. Co-managing farms for food safety and sustainability is further complicated, because farms are linked to adjacent environments; this means management decisions can have unexpected ecological, economic, and food safety consequences.

A comprehensive understanding of the links between agricultural and adjacent environments is key to ensuring environmental health, sustainability, and food safety. A new survey, funded by the Atkinson Center at Cornell University, promises to give a clearer picture of these linkages and what this means for growers.

To meet this need, a new collaborative research project between researchers at Cornell University, the University of California, and the University of Rochester is reaching out to growers in the Eastern United States to fill out a survey on food safety. The survey asks questions about:

  • Monetary and labor costs associated with on-farm food safety

  • Agricultural water use and treatment

  • Pest management

  • Conservation practices

  • Obstacles or difficulties growers have encountered.

Filling out the survey takes about 20 minutes, and all responses are confidential. The project will not only identify grower costs associated with various farm practices, but the information generated will also be integrated, using big-data analytics, into models to quantify trade-offs between different grower aims, including food safety, conservation and profit. This model will then be used to develop guidelines for how to best co-manage produce farms for these aims.

The first 300 people to complete the survey will be eligible for a $15 e-gift cards. The survey will be open through May 31st, 2020.

For additional information on the survey, contact the project directors, Dr. Daniel Weller (, Aaron Adalja (, or Patrick Baur (

Cornell Needs Your Help with a New SWD Study


Although progress has been made over the past eight years in our ability to manage spotted wing drosophila (SWD), it remains a serious economic problem for small fruit growers in New York and around the country. Cornell University researchers are in the process of applying for a large, multistate grant from the USDA that will support research and extension efforts to develop and implement more sustainable management practices. 

The grant would bring needed funding to New York to increase adoption of management practices already tested, including the use of economic models to improve decision making, and evaluate alternative management approaches for SWD, such as the release of parasitoids from SWD’s native lands and manipulation of SWD behavior using attractants and repellents. The studies are being headed up by Dr. Miguel Gomez, agricultural economist, and Dr. Greg Loeb, small fruit entomologist, both at Cornell, working closely with Cornell Cooperative Extension and the NYSBGA, as well as several collaborating New York berry growers.

Dr. Gomez and Dr. Loeb need help in demonstrating to the USDA that SWD remains a serious problem.   Please take a few minutes to fill out this very brief online survey on how spotted wing drosophila is affecting your business. Your three minutes can help us find ways to finally control this pest and halt crop losses. 

Berry Disease Snapshot: Angular Leaf Spot of Strawberry


By David Strickland and Kerik Cox

Cornell AgriTech, Geneva, NY

Disease: Angular Leaf Spot of Strawberry

Causal pathogen: Xanthomonas fragariae

When to watch for it: Year round

First line of defense: Purchase disease-free stock


Angular leaf spot of strawberry has been introduced to major production areas by the importing of infected plant material. The bacterial pathogen, X. fragariae, is very resistant to desiccation and can survive adverse conditions for extended periods in or on dead plant matter both in transit and in the field. The pathogen cannot overwinter freely in soil, which implies that one key cultural control is the removal of old strawberry plant matter before new fields are planted.

Young, vigorous plants are more likely to be infected during the spring when temperatures remain around 68°F during the day and when the leaf wetness is prolonged by rain or sprinkler irrigation. Symptoms begin as water-soaked lesions that enlarge but are delimited by veins, creating characteristic angular spots. During moist periods, viscous bacterial ooze may be visible on the undersides of infected leaves, which dries to a white film. Severe infections will result in the death of the leaf.

Preventing the introduction of X. fragariae on transplants has proven to be more effective than chemical control measures. If absolutely necessary, applications of streptomycin sulfate and oxytetracycline have been shown to be effective protectants in the early season. Applications of copper ammonium carbonate and cupric hydroxide have also been effective protectants in 6 day intervals. However, greater than 7 applications risks the development of severe phytotoxic symptoms. For organic production, the use of hydrogen peroxide at its highest labeled rate is suggested if disease pressure is severe.



A: Bacterial lesions observed on the underside of an infected strawberry leaf. In direct (transmitting) light, the lesions are transparent. Unlike in B: where the lesions are a different shade of green in reflected light, which is a characteristic feature for identification. C: the underside of a severely infected strawberry leaf.

Innovation Is the Focus of the 2020 Empire Producers EXPO Berry Sessions


Innovation can be profitable, but challenging. Hear how you can grow your operation by considering new methods and continuing emphasis on customer satisfaction. Join commercial berry growers from across the state on Thursday, January 16, 2020, for a full day of commercial berry education session at the Empire State Producers EXPO held at the OnCenter in Syracuse.


Berry Session I: 9:00 to 10:15 a.m.

In the morning session, Marc Poirier, of the Quebec Ministry of Agriculture will talk about Raspberry Crop Management and the Alternatives to Traditional Production Systems. Mr. Poirier will discuss the benefits and barriers to using protected culture, including different tunnel structural considerations, venting, pruning protocol, cultivar choices etc. Following this presentation, Ms. Rebecca Foltasz of NRCS will introduce and explain the EQUIP High Tunnel cost share program including the application process and reporting requirements.


Berry Session II: 10:45 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.           

During the mid-day session, Dr. Miguel Gomez starts the session off talking about his research on Customer Satisfaction with NY U-pick berry farms. The results and insights from the 2019 survey of NYS customers should be eye opening.


After that, the NYS Berry Growers Association will have their brief annual business meeting. This industry group has been very active in lobbying state government and has a lot of successes to report.


Last on the midday agenda is a talk about June bearing strawberry production in New Jersey, moving from matted row to plasticulture, by Peter Nitzsche from Rutgers. He’ll explain how and why New Jersey growers are moving towards plasticulture of their June-bearing strawberries


Berry Session III: 1:30 to 3:30 p.m.         

A discussion of organic pest management at Wegmans berry farm will kick of the final berry session of the day. Esther Kibbe, CCE Harvest NY and Mark Bowker of Wegmans in Canandaigua will discuss the steps they took to help Wegmans adopt a certified organic production system. More information about a low-spray approach to pest management will be presented with an nod to protected culture—a major aid to organic berry pest management.


Growers will finish out the day with a farmer-to-farmer opportunity to discuss the approaches they have found to be successful when embarking on organic production of berry crops. This is a difficult endeavor, but many growers are innovators and this opportunity will allow them to share their experiences while still remembering that the label is the law. We’ll also hear commentary on the efficacy of some of the newer biological products on the market.

Read the full agenda and sign up here.


Join Us for Our In-Depth Strawberry Substrate Workshop, 2/11-2/13/20


Growing strawberries in substrate (soil-less media) has a variety of benefits. It can:

  • Help prevent soil-borne diseases

  • Increase yields

  • Improve quality

  • Reduce the costs associated with pesticides, fertilizer, and water

From February 11–13, Dennis Wilson of Delphy, a worldwide leader in food and flower production based in the Netherlands, will lead an 3-day workshop on growing strawberries in substrate. We’ll combine classroom and hands-on sessions in Cornell’s greenhouses to learn about the most effective methods for strawberry substrate production, troubleshooting, and more.

Here’s the preiminary agenda:

Day 1: Tuesday February 11

Morning (8 AM–12 PM): Introduction to substrate growing (Moakley House)

  • Brief history of substrate strawberry production in Northern Europe

  • Why convert from soil to substrate?

  • Examples of successful transition

  • Choice of container: bags vs. pots vs. troughs

  • Substrate systems at ground level in the field

  • Raised (tabletop) substrate systems for field and glasshouse

  • Vertical (multilevel) growing systems

  • Irrigation systems for substrate: drippers vs. in-line hose

  • Leaf and truss support on raised crops

  • Tunnel protection for tabletops

  • Overwintering substrate crops

Lunch (12 PM–1 PM)

Afternoon (1 PM–5 PM): Cornell berry & greenhouse research (Moakley House & Greenhouses)

  • Variety options in North America, plant types, nursery sources

  • How to nursery your own plants

  • Q&A: substrate basics

  • Day-neutral varieties

  • Tour of greenhouses

Day 2: Wednesday, February 12

Morning (8 AM – 12 PM): Plant water use and irrigation in substrate strawberries (Moakley House)

  • The role of water

  • What is evapo-transpiration (ET), and what factors influence ET/plant water use?

  • Root zone moisture (air/water relations)

  • How does substrate physical makeup affect air/water relations?

  • Run-off

  • Guidelines for moisture and run-off levels for substrate-grown crops

  • Adjustment of root zone moisture and run-off

  • Irrigation scheduling in substrate using solar radiation (Radsum) and static methods

  • Water use & irrigation frequency calculations for substrate strawberries

Lunch: 12 PM1 PM

Afternoon (1 PM – 5 PM): Substrate options and planting up (Greenhouse)

  • Substrate options

  • Initial substrate wet-up guidelines

  • Testing moisture levels

  • Planting up: bare root vs. potted

  • Setting up run-off stations

  • Measuring run-off

  • Measuring dripper uniformity

  • Assessing variation in moisture levels with WET Sensor

Day 3: Thursday, February 13

Morning (8 AM – 1PM): Strawberry substrate nutrition (Moakley House)

  • What are the essential elements, and their role in plants?

  • The main deficiencies and toxicities in substrate-grown strawberries

  • The effect of pH in plant nutrition, and how to measure it

  • Chelation of trace element sources

  • What do we mean by EC and how do we measure it?

  • What influence does EC have on substrate-grown strawberries?

Lunch (12 PM– 1 PM)

Afternoon (1 PM–5 PM): Strawberry substrate nutrition (Greenhouse)

  • Fertilizer sources used in substrate nutrition: blends vs. straight fertilizers

  • Equipment for Measuring EC + pH + Calibration of EC/pH Meters

  • Measuring raw water EC + pH

  • Measuring drip EC and pH, calculation of EC sum (drip + drain EC)

  • Daily monitoring procedures

  • Nutrition sampling in substrate

The workshop is limited to 35 participants, all of whom will walk away with the skills and knowledge they need to grow strawberries on substrate. We’ll begin at Moakley House in Ithaca, and travel by shuttle to our teaching locations. The cost is $195 NYSBGA members and $245 nonmembers.

Don’t miss out! Register for the In-Depth Strawerry Substrate Workshop today!

Breakfast, lunch, and printed handouts included. Midmorning and midafternoon breaks will also be provided. Accommodations are available at the Best Western University Inn in Ithaca; ask for a room for the New York State Berry Growers Association event. The Best Western provides a free hot breakfast and shuttle to the workshop. Plenty of parking is available at Moakley House, but carpooling will be required to visit the Cornell campus.

$1.38 Million Awarded to Support New York’s Specialty Crops Industry


New York State Agriculture Commissioner Richard A. Ball announced today that more than $1.38 million in funding will support ten advanced research, education, and marketing projects to help specialty crop farms across New York State grow and remain competitive. The New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets secured the grant through the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Specialty Crop Block Grant program. 


New York’s specialty crops include fruits, vegetables, tree nuts, maple syrup, and honey. Commissioner Ball said, “These projects will improve disease-resistance and nutrient management for our specialty crops and advance on-farm food safety practices, helping our growers to better compete in the marketplace. We thank our partners at New York Farm Viability Institute for supporting projects that directly benefit our producers and support New York agriculture.”


The Specialty Crop Block Grant program is administered through the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets, in coordination with the New York Farm Viability Institute (NYFVI). NYFVI recommended $633,373 be provided to Cornell University for seven grower research and education projects that will focus on:

  • Detection and differentiation of fungi that causes fruit bitter rot on New York apple farms and in storages

  • Development of high-quality New York-adapted tomato hybrids that have enhanced early blight and fungal resistance to reduce both disease and chemical use

  • Study and enhancement of harvest timing and storage conditions for SnapDragon and RubyFrost apples in New York State to ensure maximum quality

  • Protection of New York State onions with insect-destroying nematodes

  • Development of microbial seed treatments for New York State sod growers to foster environmentally sound past management practices and to enhance the value of sod on schoolgrounds

  • Mitigation of bitter pit in the Honeycrisp apple variety

  • Improvement of soil nitrogen management in winter high-tunnels


Cornell University was also awarded $99,900 for research in the area of cleaning, sanitizing, and sanitary designs of packinghouses for small- and medium-scale specialty crop growers, which will assist with food safety practices. 


In addition, $545,000 from the Specialty Crop Block Grant program will also support the marketing and promotion of New York’s specialty crops and help New York’s specialty crop farmers meet the requirements of the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA).

Finalists Announced for Grow-NY $3 Million Global Food and Agriculture Business Competition

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Empire State Development and Cornell University’s Center for Regional Economic Advancement have announced the inaugural 18 finalists for Grow-NY, a food innovation and agriculture technology business challenge focused on enhancing the emerging food, beverage, and agriculture innovation cluster in Central New York, the Finger Lakes, and the Southern Tier.

“The Grow-NY competition has attracted a group of diverse, innovative entrepreneurs who are ready to focus on finding new ways to further transform New York State’s world-renowned food and agricultural industry,” Governor Cuomo said. “Through efforts like Grow-NY, we are continuing to bolster these regional economies and foster statewide growth in this critical industry.”


In all, 199 applicants hailed from North America, Europe, Central America, Africa, the Middle East, and New Zealand, as well as hundreds of inquiries from food and agriculture startups. In the U.S., 23 states were represented, including 112 entries from New York. Females comprised 32 percent of applicants, and among those who indicated an ethnicity, 46 percent were non-white.


The finalists represent the top 10 percent of submissions, as determined by a panel of 30 independent judges comprising the spectrum of food, beverage, and agriculture businesses and academics. Grow-NY will award a total of $3 million in prize money to seven winners. This includes a $1 million top prize, two $500,000 prizes, and four $250,000 prizes.


The 18 finalists are:

  • AgVoice, Norcross, Ga. — Enables food and ag workers to use management tools on-the-go

  • Capro-X, Ithaca, N.Y. — Upcycles dairy waste into valuable biofuels and bioplastics

  • Combplex, Ithaca, N.Y. — Eliminates pests that threaten the health of honeybee hives

  • Dropcopter, Syracuse, N.Y. — Leverages drones to pollinate crops and increase crop yield

  • Halomine, Ithaca, N.Y. — Creates antimicrobial solutions to ensure food safety

  • Independent Barley & Malt, Litchfield, Mich. — Growing new supply chains to provide world-class malt for the craft food and beverage market

  • Livestock Water Recycling, Alberta, Canada — Modernizes manure management to improve yield and sustainability.

  • Nuravine, New York, N.Y. — Maximizes indoor and greenhouse crop yield via water nutrient solutions

  • Paragon Pure, Princeton, N.J. — Creates flavors, colors and nutrients protected within whole grain rice flour

  • Perfect Granola, Victor, N.Y. — Crafts locally-sourced granola for NY schools while giving back

  • Radical Plastics, Beverly, Mass. —Developed a patented catalyst technology that renders conventional plastics biodegradable

  • RealEats America, Geneva, N.Y. — Delivers fresh, healthy meals, while minimizing food waste

  • Re-Nuble, Rochester, N.Y. — Transforms food waste into organic nutrients as a sustainable alternative to mineral salts

  • Simply Good Jars, Philadelphia, Pa. — Expands access to fresh and healthy foods via high-tech vending machines

  • Slate Chocolate Milk, Boston, Mass. — Crafts better chocolate milk in cans, for adults

  • Tiliter, Munich, Germany — Identifies products at supermarket checkouts with AI—no bar code needed

  • Varcode USA, Naperville, Ill. —Monitors temperature changes of products using high-tech barcodes

  • Whole Healthy Food (Healthy Baby), Ithaca, N.Y. — Develops new food ingredients with therapeutic benefits


The finalists will pitch their ideas and business plans at the Grow-NY Food and Ag Summit on Nov. 12 and 13 at the Rochester Riverside Convention Center. Tickets, sponsor, exhibition and volunteer information is available at


All finalists will receive:

  • Dedicated mentorship from a hand-selected business advisor;

  • Additional pitch training to hone their live pitches for the judges;

  • An expenses-paid, three-day business development trip to the Grow-NY region for up to two finalists per team; and

  • Networking introductions, business tours with potential partners, and valuable appointments for finalist team representatives.


Judges will base award decisions on the following five criteria:

  • Viability of Commercialization and Business Model – the potential for the entrant to generate revenue and maintain a cost structure that allows for a competitive and sustainable business, demonstrate technological readiness, or innovate to fulfill its value proposition;

  • Customer Value – the degree to which the entrant is providing something for which customers are willing to pay, and addressing a substantial market;

  • Food and Agriculture Innovation – the extent to which the entrant is pushing what’s considered state-of-the-art in the food and agriculture industries, and contributing to Upstate NY’s status as a global leader in innovation in these markets;

  • Regional Job Creation – the potential for creating high-quality jobs in the Grow-NY footprint; and

  • Team – the quality and completeness of the team and its readiness to deliver.


Empire State Development is providing funding for the Grow-NY competition through its Upstate Revitalization Initiative, and Cornell University’s Center for Regional Economic Advancement is administering the competition. The winner will be required to make a positive economic impact in the Grow-NY region, which features counties within Central NY, the Finger Lakes, and the Southern Tier of New York State. The winning business will help contribute to job growth, connect with local industry partners and contribute to a thriving economy.


To learn more about the finalists, mentors and judges, and to see full schedule of Grow-NY events, please visit



New York Farms Reap $5.7 Billion in Revenue


New York state farms generated $5.7 billion in revenue in 2017, according to a report released today by State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli.

“Agriculture is an essential part of New York’s economy,” DiNapoli said. “Farms generate billions of dollars in sales, provide jobs and enhance our quality of life. But farmers face challenges including fluctuating milk prices, threats from a changing climate and disrupted trade relations. We need to build on our previous actions to make sure that agriculture can thrive in the Empire State for generations to come.”

The state boasted more than 33,400 farms, employing more than 55,000 workers in 2017, according to the latest available data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Farms are located in every region of the state, covering nearly 23 percent of New York’s total land area, with 96 percent of those family owned.

While the total number of farms and acreage declined from 2007 to 2017, their overall economic impact increased as net farm income grew by more than 20 percent. In addition, the number of certified organic farms increased by over 60 percent from 2012 to 2017.

New York ranks as a national leader for a variety of agricultural commodities. The state ranks second nationwide for the production of apples and maple syrup, third for grapes, and seventh for fruit, tree nuts, and berries—with the latter accounting for $400 million in sales.

The state has created a variety of policy initiatives to address challenges facing New York farmers, including efforts to limit state and local taxes on agricultural land, farmland protection initiatives, capital investment funds for new farmers, and financial incentives for schools that use locally sourced food.

Read the full report:

2018 New York State Berry Market Analysis

New York State Berry Growers association berry pricing survey.jpg

By Trent Davis
Dr. Miguel Gomez
Dr. Marvin Pritts


In 2019, Cornell Food Industry Management Program in conjunction with the New York State Berry Growers Association distributed a berry pricing survey to 414 commercial berry growers across New York State. The survey was distributed to make recent statewide berry pricing information available to commercial berry growers so they may be able to better evaluate the economic returns of their various berry crops. The information collected will be able to see how berry pricing trends have evolved since 2013, when the most recent NY state berry pricing survey was conducted. Information from the previous studies conducted in 2009 and 2006 will also be included.


The survey distributed in 2019 was the same pricing survey commercial berry producers received in 2009. Producers were asked to list the prices they received during the 2012 season for four major berry crops (strawberries, blueberries, brambles (raspberries, blackberries), and ribes (currants, gooseberries)) – all currently being grown in NY state. Growers were also given the opportunity to list other berry crops, and the related pricing information, on the survey. Pricing information was requested for three markets; pick-your-own (PYO), wholesale, and retail venues (farmers market, farm stores, fruit stands). Producers were also asked if they used their berry crops in value added products, and if they were organically certified.


Read more about the changes in berry pricing over time.

SWD Management in Raspberries & Blackberries


New York State’s rainy spring and hot, humid summer has caused spotted wing drosophila populations to swell. Raspberries are more susceptible to the pest than any other berry crop, so arming yourself with information and control methods is a must.

The most important defense for raspberries against SWD is a good insecticide program. In order to determine the best program for your farm, consider:

  • Population growth—growth models will give you an idea of SWD population size, and allow you to treat with the most effective insecticides before numbers get out of control.

  • Insecticide rotation—using treatments from different IRAC groups reduces resistance in SWD.

  • The most effective insecticides—according to researchers at Cornell University, these include Delegate WG (1 day), Bifenture 10DF (3 days), Brigade WSB 2(ee) (3 days), Brigade EC 2(ee) (3 days), Danitol 2.4EC (3 days), and Mustang Maxx (1 day). They recommend, “Choose first the one with the longest pre-harvest interval (given in parentheses) that you can accommodate; some may be out of the question at this point. Rotate to other insecticides with shorter pre-harvest intervals for closer to harvest.”

  • Subsequent applications—try a lower-efficacy insecticide, including Entrust Naturalyte 2(ee) (1 day), Entrust SC 2(ee) (1 day), Assail 30SG 2(ee) (1 day), Malathion 5EC 2(ee) (1 day), Malathion 8 Aquamul 2(ee) (1 day), Malathion 57 2(ee) (1 day), or Molt-X (0 days). Don’t stretch intervals between sprays by more than 7 days!

  • Know your organic-approved sprays—like Entrust 2(ee) (1 day) (Naturalyte and SC formulations). Rotate with either Pyganic (0 days), AzaSol (0 days), Grandevo (0 days), or Venerate (0 days).

  • Ensure that you cover crops completely—instead of alternate-row spraying, spray every row. And know your spraying intervals for each type of insecticide.

  • Re-set raspberry and blackberry fields—following high numbers of SWD in traps or salt flotation tests, re-set the field by clean-picking all ripe fruit and culling. Freeze or solarize infected fruit. You should do this regularly as part of your sanitation program. Then use a high-efficacy insecticide on your fields with an appropriate days-to-harvest interval.

  • Mow, weed, and prune—this will minimize the damp, shaded environment SWD prefer, eliminate alternate hosts, and improve spray penetration.

  • Follow good cold-chain practices—store harvested fruit, as soon as possible after harvest, in a cool at 32 to 24 degrees F to slow and kill SWD larvae and eggs.

For more details, monitoring tips, and additional resources, visit the Cornell IPM blog.

The Effect of the Trump Administration’s China Tariffs on Farmers


As the trade war with China stretches into its second year, the agricultural industry has been hit hard. Many farmers felt that the $12 billion aid program set up in 2018, after the first series of tariffs were levied, didn’t do enough to prevent losses. Meanwhile, economists who analyzed the subsidies found them to be not as effective as opening foreign markets to trade. 


After last month’s unsuccessful trade negotiations between the U.S. and Chinese presidents, the White House raised tariffs from 10 percent to 25 percent on $200 billion worth of Chinese goods, with President Trump threatening to raise duties on an additional $325 billion worth of imported items—accounting for nearly all of U.S. imports from China. In return, Chinese president Xi Jinping, promised “necessary countermeasures,” in addition to the tariffs that have already been levied on $110 billion in U.S. products.


As the trade war escalates, the Trump Administration is looking into additional aid for farmers. “Make no mistake about it, we have already had preliminary discussions in the White House for additional support for farmers if this impasse with China continues,” said Vice President Mike Pence, the vice president, during a May 9 event in Minnesota. But with no solutions on the table at the moment, and the vast majority of economists  rejecting the argument that tariffs are good for the United States, farmers are left wondering what will happen next.


Roger Johnson, president of the National Farmers Union (NFU), released this statement:


“China’s unfair and manipulative trade practices are clearly a problem that need to be fixed. But addressing these practices has created new problems for American farmers and ranchers in the form of lost export markets, a commodity glut, and severely depressed prices.


“We are more than a year into this trade war with China, and this most recent escalation suggests that there is no end in sight. At this point, we can’t expect export markets to go back to the way they were—the damage has already been done. In the long term, there needs to be a fundamental shift in the way we establish the economic sustainability of agricultural production in the U.S. But until that happens, struggling family farmers and ranchers are in desperate need of a lifeboat to keep them afloat, whether that’s another round of Marketing Facilitation Program payments or some other form of economic disaster assistance.”

Managing Strawberry Fruit Rots with Biopesticides


A special thank-you to Dr. Kerik Cox for sharing this article in our May newsletter. Because we just didn’t have enough space to run all of his informative graphs, we’re including the remainder here. Refer to your print newsletter to read the text of the article in its entirety.


Figure 3. Mean percent incidence of Botrytis fruit rot at harvest in October 2018 in a day-neutral planting of ‘Albion’ strawberries with application timings using ‘NEWA’ or on a ‘Calendar’ schedule for organic (green) and conventional (orange) fungicide programs. Values represent means and standard errors of six plots. Columns denoted by the same letter for plots under “cover” (low tunnels) or “uncovered” are not significantly different (P < 0.05) according to the LSMEANS procedure in SAS 9.4 with an adjustment for Tukey’s HSD to control for family-wise error.




Figure 4. Mean percent incidence of Botrytis fruit rot at harvest in October 2018 in a day-neutral planting of ‘Albion’ strawberries planted on open plastic (cover) or under low tunnels (no cover) for calendar timings (yellow 7-10 days) and NEWA strawberry fruit rot systems (blue “High” risk). Values represent means and standard errors of six plots. Columns denoted by the same letter capital (plots under tunnels) or lowercase (uncovered plots) are not significantly different (P < 0.05) according to the LSMEANS procedure in SAS 9.4 with an adjustment for Tukey’s HSD to control for family-wise error. 

Cornell Small Fruit Survey Needs Your Input


Are you interested in diversifying your farmers’ market, farm stand, or CSA offerings with specialty fruit crops? Have you ever thought about growing currants, kiwiberries, goji berries, beach plums, or other “unusual” fruits?

Cornell University needs your input to help guide a project that aims to develop growing recommendations and enterprise budgets for unusual fruit crops in New York. Fill out their online survey now through May 31, 2019.