The Benefits of NYSBGA Membership
Join our engaged community of growers, and you’ll have access to a diverse range of information, services, and benefits. From our monthly newsletter to SWD alerts and information, representation in state legislature, access to the latest research, and discounted registration fees to networking events and hands-on educational workshops, plus a listing in our Find-a-Farm directory and a profile in our Member Spotlight, the New York State Berry Growers Association is here to educate and advocate for you.
Purchase or Renew Your Membership
All members get a free listing in our Find-A-Farm guide, discounted admission to sponsored events, a monthly newsletter, email alerts, access to testing advanced selections from the Cornell Breeding Program, and breaking news from our $1.3 million of funded research on Spotted Wing Drosophila!
Includes $50 toward a research fund for high-priority projects.
Returning members receive:
- A free listing in our Find-a-Farm directory
- Discounted admission to sponsored events
- A monthly newsletter
- E-mail alerts
- Access to testing advanced selections from the Cornell Breeding Program
- Breaking news from our $1.3 million of funded research on spotted wing drosophila
NYSBGA will cover the research contribution ($50) for the first two years of membership.
First time members receive:
- A free listing in our Find-a-Farm directory
- Discounted admission to sponsored events
- A monthly newsletter
- E-mail alerts
- Access to testing advanced selections from the Cornell Breeding Program
- Breaking news from our $1.3 million of funded research on spotted wing drosophila
NYSBGA will pay the research contribution ($50) for the first two years of membership.
Second year members receive:
- A free listing in our Find-a-Farm directory
- Discounted admission to sponsored events
- A monthly newsletter
- E-mail alerts
- Access to testing advanced selections from the Cornell Breeding Program
- Breaking news from our $1.3 million of funded research on spotted wing drosophila
For nonprofit ag professionals.
Associate members receive:
- A free listing in our Find-a-Farm directory
- Discounted admission to sponsored events
- A monthly newsletter
- E-mail alerts
- Access to testing advanced selections from the Cornell Breeding Program
- Breaking news from our $1.3 million of funded research on spotted wing drosophila
Business members receive:
- full-color ad in two of our monthly newsletters
- A free listing in our Find-a-Farm directory
- Discounted admission to sponsored events
- A monthly newsletter
- E-mail alerts
- Access to testing advanced selections from the Cornell Breeding Program
- Breaking news from our $1.3 million of funded research on spotted wing drosophila