becker forum

Events You Need to Attend This Winter

Diverse group of people sitting and listening to a conference session

A note from NYSBGA Executive Secretary Jim Bittner, on events you should attend this winter.

If you’ve got employees, you need to take part in the Becker Forum

If you have employees, plan to attend the Becker Forum in Syracuse on February 8. We have at least 8 farms in NYS that have petitions before the Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) that will require their workers to be represented by a union. Don’t think this cannot happen to you. The group includes large and small farms, H2A and domestic workers, from Long Island to Western NY. Wineries, fruit, vegetable, and nursery operations are all part of the petitions. The two attorneys that are representing most of the farms will be presenting at the Becker Forum. Someone from PERB should be there, too. You need to be at this meeting to learn how to protect your farm and employees.


The Becker Forum will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Oncenter Syracuse. Register here.


Help us lobby for important funding


On February 15, the board of directors of the NYBGA plans on spending the day meeting with state legislators and lobbying for state funding for berry research and extension programs in NYS. This is a very unique and eye-opening experience. Please consider joining us; you do not need to be a board member to help. If you’re available to take part for a few hours, contact me: 716-778-7330,

Another important upcoming event is the NY Farm Bureau lobby day in Albany. On the evening of February 27, there will be a reception that attended by a lot of NYS legislators and their staff. It will also include tastings of NY-grown food, and good conversation. 


The next day, February 28, Farm Bureau members will be visiting with legislators and their  staff in their offices.  I strongly suggest you reach out to your county farm bureau and offer to help represent NYS agriculture at these two events.